Reports are generated based on report templates. CyberSafe Log Analyst includes several predefined report templates. You can use these predefined reports, or you can create your own template on which to generate the report.
New report templates that you create may not immediately appear in the Report Templates node. To display these templates, refresh the display by right-clicking the Report Templates node and choosing Refresh from the shortcut menu.
In the CyberSafe Log Analyst scope pane, right-click the Report Templates node and choose New > Report Template from the shortcut menu. The Report Template Designer dialog box appears.
In the Template Name field, enter the name of the report. This is the name that is displayed in the results pane when the Report Templates node is active.
In the Template Description field, enter a description of the report. This is the description that is displayed in the results pane when the Report Templates node is active.
Under Report on Signatures, Targets, and Users, select the targets, users, and activity signatures on which you want to generate the report. Selecting a top-level box selects all elements below that level.
In the Examine Period field, click the arrow and select the time period for the report. Choose to generate the report based on: Past 24 Hours, Past 7 Days, Past 30 Days, Yesterday, Last Week, Last Month, Custom Date Range, Full Time Range. When you generate a report based on this template, you have the option to change the date range in the Report Generator dialog box.
TIP To specify the date range each time you generate a report, select Custom Date Range (you can specify the dates in the Report Generation dialog box). To generate reports on all dates in the event logs, select Full Time Range.
In Time Granularity, move the bar to select the granularity of time in the report. Choose Minute, Hour, 2 Hours, Day, Week, Month, or All Data.
In the Title field, enter the name of the report or other name that you want to appear on the printed report. If you do not want a title printed on your report, leave this field blank.
In the Company Name field, the name of your company is automatically entered (this is the name that you entered when you registered CLA). If you do not want the name of your company printed on your report, leave this field blank.
To print your company logo (or other graphic) on your report, check the box for Use Logo. Click Set Bitmap to display the Open dialog, browse for and select the bitmap you want to use.
In the Graph Type field, click the arrow and select the type of graph you want to print. You can print a bar chart, a three-dimensional bar chart, or a pie chart at the top of your report. If you do not want to include a chart, select None.
To limit the number of elements when you use a graph, check the box for Max Graph Size and enter the maximum number of elements you want to include in the graph.
In Include Table Fields, do the following:
To indicate the information you want to include in the report, check the boxes next to the items. Choose to include Users, Targets, Signatures, or Object Attributes. You must choose at least one item. Selecting Object Attributes includes the file and/or directory names accessed, if applicable, in your report. Note that Count is always checked; it is included in the list so you can choose where you want it included in the sort order.
To reorder the list to indicate how you want to sort data in the report, select an item and "drag" it to a new location.
To limit the number of lines in the table, check the box for Max Table Size and enter the maximum number of lines you want to include in the table.